ETBU Holds Ring Blessing

ETBU Holds Ring Blessing

Nov 21, 2023

East Texas Baptist University honored 91 graduating seniors with the presentation of their official ETBU Class Ring. The Ring Blessing was recently held for December graduates of 2023. Inspired by Deuteronomy 6, the class ring allows ETBU Alumni to carry and display the love

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Tyler ISD Communications Team Receives Top Honors From AAF

Tyler ISD Communications Team Receives Top Honors From AAF

Nov 20, 2023

Chief Communications Officer Jennifer Hines named Innovator of the Year. The Tyler ISD Communications and Public Relations Team has been awarded the prestigious Innovative Team of the Year accolade by the American Advertising Federation (AAF) – East Texas Chapter at the 2nd Annual

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Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

Nov 19, 2023

By Michael Guido One warm summer day a snail began climbing an apple tree. As he moved upward, he heard a voice calling, “There’s no reason for you to climb this tree. There are no apples up there.” Looking around he saw a

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School Choice Fails Four Times

School Choice Fails Four Times

Nov 18, 2023

TSTA, AFT applauds House members who stood up for public schools with anti-voucher vote. Texas State Teachers Association President Ovidia Molina issued the following statement: TSTA applauds the House members, Democrats and Republicans, who stood up for their public schools today by voting

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Tyler ISD Celebrates Community Excellence 2022-23

Tyler ISD Celebrates Community Excellence 2022-23

Nov 17, 2023

Tyler ISD Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford presented the Annual State of the District Address during the recent monthly Tyler Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the W.T. Brookshire Conference Center. Dr. Crawford discussed District achievements over the 2022 – 2023 school year and

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KC Theatre To Present Agatha Christie’s ‘And Then There Were None’

KC Theatre To Present Agatha Christie’s ‘And Then There Were None’

Nov 16, 2023

Kilgore College Theatre is proud to present Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery, “And Then There Were None,” November 30 to December 3 in Van Cliburn Auditorium on the Kilgore campus. The play is set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, November. 30 to

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ETBU Honors University Donors

ETBU Honors University Donors

Nov 15, 2023

East Texas Baptist University recently welcomed an assembly of ETBU retirees, Legacy of 1912 Society Members, and Endowed Scholarship Donors to the campus for the annual Legacy of 1912 Society Luncheon. “Celebrating the Legacy of 1912 Society and ETBU retirees during this luncheon is

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First Lady Abbott Celebrates Texas Women’s Hall Of Fame

First Lady Abbott Celebrates Texas Women’s Hall Of Fame

Nov 14, 2023

First Lady Cecilia Abbott recently delivered the keynote address celebrating the contributions and leadership of Texas women in the fields of athletics, public and community service, civic leadership, business, science, and education at the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame 2023 Induction Ceremony in

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Texas Senate Completes 4th Called Session Agenda

Texas Senate Completes 4th Called Session Agenda

Nov 13, 2023

By Richard Lee The Senate passed four bills this past Thursday that answered the call for legislation set out by Governor Greg Abbott this week. When the third special session ended without passage of a bill on school choice Tuesday, Abbott immediately called

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Christian Stress

Christian Stress

Nov 12, 2023

By Glenn Miller GOD’S WORD: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things [security, peace, freedom from worry] will be given unto you as well.” – Matthew 6:33 (italics inserted by author) The world-famous psychologist Selye once said that

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