Longview, Texas
1 February 2025
Demonizing others
Gospel Spotlight

Demonizing others

Aug 11, 2024

GOD’S WORD: “Let us love one another, since love comes from God.” 1 John 4:7a

By Glenn Miller

Maybe you’re as disheartened as much as I am when you see and hear all the personal attacks and slandering of people with different opinions on the airwaves, in person and on social media. It’s as if nothing is off limits these days as the attacks become more and more vicious. But what’s worst is that lately it’s been going far beyond just disagreeing with someone’s opinion, faith or political system; it’s casting the character and nature of that person to be from the very pits of hell. In short, it’s become acceptable and common practice in secular society today to “demonize” those who are different from us or disagree with us. This is called demonization.

Demonization is defined as the portrayal of something as wicked and threatening. And yes, there are certain things from some people that one could believe are demonic and authored by Satan (the deceiver, the liar, the antagonist). But it’s the demon inside that person, not the person themselves.

Jesus calls us to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. Furthermore, he instructs us to love our enemy! And more so, we are called to love others the same way God loves them! In order to do this, we must see all of God’s creation the way he sees them; through the lens of his son Jesus Christ. All that God makes is good, including people.

This year is an election year, and the act of demonizing others will run rampant as we get closer to November. Disagreeing with a person’s political position, philosophy or belief is healthy and allowable. But to let that disagreement escalate to where you see them different as any other child of God, is not.

Despite that someone doesn’t believe the same as we do, we should still love them.

Despite that someone doesn’t believe the same as you do, you should still love them.

Despite that someone endorses a different political candidate as you, you should still love them.

Despite that someone dresses, acts, behaves different from your expectation of thee, you should still love them.

 It’s how God loves.

 It’s how we should love others as well.

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