Longview, Texas
1 February 2025
Good Enough
Gospel Spotlight

Good Enough

Sep 1, 2024

GOD’S WORD: “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it was consecrated by the word of God and prayer.” – 1 Timothy 4:4-5

By Glenn Miller

As we go through life we experience different emotions and feelings along the way. Each of us tends to react differently to certain feelings. Some are stalwart in any tragedy and others can’t make it through a Lassie movie without crumbling. Some are insensitive to others’ pain and oppression while others lay awake at night worrying about the least in our world. And some can take someone else’s rejection without flinching while others, like myself, let rejection tear away at their self esteem like battery acid through tissue paper.

We all have our “buttons” and those who know us best know how to push them in order to control or manipulate our feelings and/or reactions. And the enemy knows our buttons as well.

One of his favorite weapons in his quiver is the arrow that pierces our hearts and makes us feel as if we are not good enough. All of us know this feeling. All of us know how much it hurts. All of us know, whether we let it go in a second or keep it inside for a lifetime, what it is like to feel inadequate.

If you’ve ever not been chosen for a team, you know what it’s like to not be good enough.

If you’ve ever been passed over for a promotion or a job opportunity, you know what it’s like to not be good enough.

If you’ve ever been told by someone you love that you’re not good-looking, you’re overweight, you don’t make enough money, you know what it’s like to not be good enough.

And it hurts like hell.

But Jesus’ healing touch delivers us from those feelings! In a loud voice louder than anything others or the enemy can muster, Jesus tells us that we ARE good enough!

You’re good enough to be called His child!

You’re good enough to be chosen to do great things!

You’re good enough because God has a special plan for you!

And yes, you’re good enough even for Jesus to die on the Cross for.

Don’t let the enemy tell you you’re not good enough! You are, my friend, you are!

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