Longview, Texas
28 March 2025
Is God Asleep?
Gospel Spotlight

Is God Asleep?

Feb 12, 2020

A small child was having a difficult time being quiet in church. Whispering in his ear, his father said in desperation, “Hush, this is where God lives. Be quiet when you are in His house!”

“Why?” asked the child. “Is God asleep?”

Certainly not. Our God, the God Who created heaven and earth – and all that is in it and on it and above it – has promised us in His Word that He is always watching over us, day and night. We must never forget that He is “awake,” watching carefully and waiting patiently to guide and guard us. This One, this all-powerful God, who loved us and gave His Son to redeem us, is always available to meet our every need – every moment of every day!

We often forget that God is constantly watching over us and caring deeply for us. More than anyone we know He is for us. We often “trade Him in” for lesser “gods” who cannot be trusted – the gods of money and power, prestige and worldly success. Even though we turn to them often and trust in them deeply, only the God who created us will always be faithful to us, strengthen and sustain us and never abandon us. In Him we are safe and secure – day and night.

Prayer: Lord, help us to recognize that Your watchful eye is carefully overseeing our lives with compassion. May we realize that You are meeting each need. THANKS! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture for Today: Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

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