Longview, Texas
13 March 2025
Longview ISD Place 5 Board Member Shandreka Bauer To Resign

Longview ISD Place 5 Board Member Shandreka Bauer To Resign

Apr 11, 2023

Shandreka Bauer has submitted her resignation as the Place 5 representative, effective June 1.

According to the District, in her resignation letter to Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox, Bauer cited a new professional opportunity that will require her family to relocate.

“My home and love will always be vested in Longview,” she said. “I will forever bleed green and be a proud Lobo.”

Shandreka Bauer was first elected to the school board in May 2016 and quickly became a passionate advocate for equity and accountability throughout Longview and the state of Texas. She expressed her hope that her time on the board would be remembered for her advocacy for all Longview ISD students to receive a fair and equitable education.

“It has been an absolute pleasure to serve my community, my home, and the students of Longview ISD for the past seven years,” Shan said. “My heart will always be with the city of Longview and the students that we serve. Looking back, I could not have imagined that I would be stepping down from a district I love so much.”

“Shan’s unwavering dedication to education and passion for providing quality education to every student has left an indelible mark on the students, staff, and community. Her departure will be felt deeply,” said Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox.

Bauer’s vacated seat will remain unfilled until an election in November. Residents of Place 5 can contact board president Mr. Michael Tubb with any concerns or questions until a new trustee is elected.

Tubb reassured the community that the board remains committed to providing timely and accurate information to all stakeholders.

 “We are always available to answer any questions or concerns that families or residents may have,” he added.

Campuses zoned in Place 5 include the Playing For Keeps/Early Childhood Center, Bailey and Hudson PEP elementaries, Foster Middle, and Longview Early Graduation High.

Texas Education Code states that, if an elected trustee resigns, the remaining board members may fill the vacancy by appointment until the next trustee election or order a special election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. If more than one year remains in the term of the position vacated, the vacancy must be filled within 180 days of the date the vacancy occurs.

A special election to fill a vacancy can be held on either of the two uniform election dates (May/November). The next scheduled election will take place in November.

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