Longview, Texas
13 March 2025
“Not Here For Very Long”
Gospel Spotlight

“Not Here For Very Long”

Oct 8, 2023

By Michael Guido

A soldier wrote his dad from a combat zone in a war-torn country.

In the upper left-hand corner under his name he wrote, “Not Here for Very Long.”

True of the soldier – true of each of us. Life at its longest is very short in light of eternity. Wisely Moses advised us to go to God and ask Him to: “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Time has no favorites. We are each given twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks a year. It does not matter who we are or what God has called us to do, none of us can add one second of time to our lives once God has called us home. We must guard our time and use it wisely to honor and glorify Him.

Time can be used to influence others – one way or another. It would be interesting to keep a record of our time as an accountant does money – what we spent and how we invested it. We could see what we did with our time and discover whether or not we helped or hindered others, led them closer to God or drove them from Him.

Time gives us opportunities to serve the Lord. Jesus said, “All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned by the One who sent Me and there is little time left before night falls and all our works come to an end.”

Time ends with an interview. Each of us will stand before God one day and have an opportunity to review our record with Him. What will matter most is whether or not there will be a day when we surrendered our life to Him.

Earn more about Guido Ministries by visiting their website.

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