Longview, Texas
14 March 2025
Orphan Spirit
Gospel Spotlight

Orphan Spirit

Feb 2, 2025

GOD’S WORD: “In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance to His pleasure and will – to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One he loves.” – Ephesians 1: 5-6

By Glenn Miller

What does an orphan spirit look like? Pastor Curt Landry of House of David Ministries describes it as “A type of demonic spirit that invades a person’s mind causing a sense of abandonment, loneliness, alienation, and isolation. It often attaches itself to someone who has experienced extreme rejection in his or her life. A person operating out of an orphan spirit compensates these feelings of insecurities by being performance driven, competitive, and works independently. They struggle with self-worth and find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships.”

You see, the opposite of one abandoned is one adopted. Adoption is a very beautiful thing. When a child is adopted, they are no longer penniless. They are no longer without a name. They are, in the best of scenarios, given an identity through a new family—where they will be loved and appreciated. Often, in cases of adoption, the family they are given, provides much better care than the original parents ever could. And as believers in Christ Jesus, we are ADOPTED by our Heavenly Father!

When we are operating in the spirit of adoption, we are secure. We celebrate the accomplishments of others. We experience acceptance. We fill emotional voids with intimate time with the Father. We allow the Spirit to lead us into our calling. We serve others and provide opportunities for them to grow in their own destiny in Christ. We don’t use anger or other forms of manipulation to get our way. We bless others around us, freely sharing the Father’s love with others. We love ourselves and exhibit healthy self-esteem. We are grounded in our identity in Christ.

You are not an orphan; you are a warm and wonderful child of God.

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