Smith County Veteran Services Office and CampV Hold Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The Smith County Veteran Services Office held a ribbon cutting ceremony at CampV Tuesday, June 6, to celebrate the opening of its relocated office there.
“This was a vision before it became a reality,” Smith County Judge Neal Franklin said. “I’m thrilled that the County could contribute and be a part of this.”
Local officials joined veterans in attending the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Judge Franklin thanked all of the veterans for the freedom he enjoys every day in this wonderful community he lives in.

The Smith County Veteran Services Office, formerly located at 210 E. Ferguson St. in Tyler, is now located at the CampV campus, at 3212 W. Front St. in Tyler.
“This is outstanding,” CampV Executive Director Travis Gladhill said of the crowd. “It seems like just yesterday we had this idea for CampV. Now here we are, opening our fifth building in a little over three years.”
Gladhill said CampV has become the pinnacle for services for veterans in East Texas, thanks in large part to the support of Smith County and its leadership. CampV assists about 380 veterans per month, he added.
Together with Smith County, CampV has been able to establish a cohesive relationship to meet the needs of East Texas veterans, Gladhill said.
Smith County Veteran Services Officer Michael Roark said his office saw a record number – 280 veterans – come through their doors last month for help.
“I’m really glad to be out here at CampV,” he said.
Tyler Mayor Don Warren thanked all of the people who made the new Veteran Services Office happen, but especially the County Judge and Commissioners for “this investment for our veterans.”
Together, the City of Tyler, Smith County and CampV are showing the world that when they join forces, there will never be a veteran left behind, Gladhill said.
U.S. Congressman and former County Judge Nathaniel Moran’s deputy chief of staff read a letter of congratulations from Moran to the crowd.
The Smith County Veteran Services Office has new hours at CampV – from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed for lunch 12-1 p.m.).
Smith County paid for the renovations of an existing building there with its ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding to house the Smith County employees.
The purpose of the Smith County Veteran Services Office is to assist veterans and their survivors and help them deal with the often confusing and overwhelming task of completing the correct forms/applications and collecting the appropriate documentation to support a claim for benefits. For more information, call 903-590-2950 or visit: www.smith-county.com/government/departments/veterans
CampV’s mission is to integrate military and civilian resources through one central location providing efficient and effective support and fellowship for veterans, active duty, reserves, guards, and their families. For more information, visit: www.campvtyler.org/