Senate sends School Choice Bill to House
We understand why families many times across this state are constantly searching for opportunities for a path in education for their specific student, and a customized path that fits their student’s needs. Senator Brandon Creighton By Richard Lee/Special to East Texas Review Following
School Choice Fails Four Times
TSTA, AFT applauds House members who stood up for public schools with anti-voucher vote. Texas State Teachers Association President Ovidia Molina issued the following statement: TSTA applauds the House members, Democrats and Republicans, who stood up for their public schools today by voting
School Vouchers
TSTA opposes House Bill 1 and any other bill that includes taxpayer-funded vouchers. Texas State Teachers Association President Ovidia Molina released the following statement: We are disappointed that the House education leadership has included a voucher in House Bill 1, it’s school finance
Texas Senate Takes On School Vouchers, COVID Vacs, Border Security, Human Trafficking
Senate committees heard testimony Tuesday related to three of the four topics laid out for consideration in this session by the governor: school choice, border security, and vaccine mandates. The Senate Education Committee approved the Senate’s school choice proposal in the form of