Longview, Texas
14 March 2025
The Courage to Trust
Gospel Spotlight

The Courage to Trust

Feb 9, 2025

GOD’S WORD: “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” – Psalm 56:3-4

By Glenn Miller

In God we trust. Those are words which have been as much a part of my patriotism as my faith; perhaps a convergence of the two. But more than just words meaning that God is sovereign in my life, I believe these four little words should have a much deeper meaning. I think we often get the words ‘faith’ and ‘trust’ mixed up.

Faith, according to the author of Hebrews is “being sure of what we hope for [salvation] and certain of what we do not see.” Faith doesn’t come easy to those of us who live, work and play in a world that requires immediate proof, back-up, and authenticity. Yet as hard as faith is sometimes to grasp, I believe the concept of trust stretches us to the next dimension.

To trust God is to say that no matter what may happen, it’s going to be OK.

To trust God is to be prepared to answer yes to anything that God may call you to.

To trust God is to seek His will first in every decision you make and then make His decision your own.

Trust isn’t alien to you and me. We know what it means to trust. Moreover, if you’re like me, we put our trust in a multitude of misappropriate places. We put our trust in others. We put our trust in systems. We put our trust in logic, knowledge, and scientific data. And worst of all, we put our trust in ourselves.

To trust God is to trust Him above all other things.

After all, if we can’t trust the One who created the heavens and the earth; if we can’t trust the One who causes the sun and moon to rise; if we can’t trust the One who redeemed us from an eternity in darkness; if we can’t trust the One who died on a cross for our sins, then who can we trust?

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