Longview, Texas
14 March 2025
Trust And Obey
Gospel Spotlight

Trust And Obey

Oct 15, 2023

By Glenn Miller

Drop the Nets

GOD’S WORD: And he said to them, “Cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” So, they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. – John 21:6 (Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

I think about the scene where Jesus approached the shoreline where the disciples had been fishing the entire night before with no catch. Discouraged, defeated and exhausted, these professional anglers thought it to be a waste of time when this itinerant preachers walks up telling them to drop their lines on the right side of the boat. Perhaps they obeyed Jesus because they wanted to prove him wrong. Perhaps they obeyed Jesus because they felt they had nothing to lose. And perhaps they obeyed Jesus because something moved inside them that they should obey. But obey him they did. And they caught more fish than ever before that it almost capsized their boat!

Yet perhaps they obeyed Jesus because they sensed in his eyes that he wanted to bless them; that he wanted them to be successful.

Jesus could have accomplished that in a way similar to the miracle of feeding the five-thousand. He has a way of making fish appear our of nowhere! He could have asked them to check their nets again where he would have provided the fish. But he didn’t. He asked them to trust him and take an active part in the blessing; that blessings are born from trust and obedience.

So many people pray for miracles, favor and provision much the same way they ask something from Santa Claus. While God can certainly provide things out of thin air, he more often than not asks us to make an effort and he blesses that effort. It’s not so much that we have to have skin in the game where God’s provision is concerned as it is that we exhibit our trust and obedience.

Are you asking God for something supernatural? Are you asking him for a miracle? Along with you asking him for those things, ask him to tell you what he would like for you to do in the process.

Then trust and obey.

If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat.

“Are you asking God for something supernatural? Are you asking him for a miracle? Along with you asking him for those things, ask him to tell you what he would like you to do in the process.”

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