Longview, Texas
11 March 2025
UT Tyler LUC breaks expansion ground

UT Tyler LUC breaks expansion ground

Jul 19, 2024

“We are excited about this new facility, which helps with our collective impact and projected growth on the nearly 50 acres on the campus”
Dr. Rodney Ellis, UT Tyler LUC director

UT Tyler LUC groundbreaking ceremony

UT Tyler LUC groundbreaking ceremony.

The University of Texas at Tyler broke ground on the expansion of the UT Tyler Longview University Center. The 10,144-square-foot annex will add a 65-person classroom, multipurpose lab space, nursing skills and health assessment labs, along with centralized study spaces. The new facility allows for the expansion of bachelor’s and graduate degree programs in Longview and Gregg County.

“This expansion will allow us to introduce new nursing and science programs and increase our presence in Longview, helping meet education needs and provide more support for health care services across the region,” said UT Tyler President Julie V. Philley, MD.

The new building will particularly contribute to the continued growth and expansion of the nursing program, which is projected to see an increased enrollment by 20 percent minimally over the next two years, according to Dr. Rodney Ellis, UT Tyler LUC director.

“We are excited about this new facility, which helps with our collective impact and projected growth on the nearly 50 acres on the campus,” Ellis said. “We look forward to being an anchor for growth in northeast Longview as more and more public and private investment is made here, spurring continued economic development in the area.”

The LUC expansion will also provide shared classroom space for LUC-Kilgore College partnership general education programs and dual enrollment instruction for the UT Tyler University Academy campus in Longview.

Project completion is set for fall 2025. The first phase of road work has already been completed, Ellis added.

The Longview University Center offers students in Longview and Gregg County cost-saving convenience, greater flexibility in scheduling their classes and reduced travel expenses, all while receiving a UT Tyler degree.

LUC currently offers nursing and industrial technology degree competition courses as well as education and business management courses.

For more information, contact Ellis at rellis@uttyler.edu, or visit uttyler.edu/about/news/pressrelease/2024/07102024.php.

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