When Silence Is Golden
By Dr. Michael Guido
He was a new Christian. But it didn’t matter: he wanted to be a witness for the Lord and let everyone know how grateful he was for his salvation.
On the final night of a revival meeting, he went to his pastor and asked if he could give his testimony. The pastor was pleased and said that he would call him to the platform when it was time for him to speak.
As the service progressed, George became rather nervous and fearful of standing before a group of people he did not know. But he smiled, asked God for strength and peace, and looked forward to the time to share his story.
Finally, his moment came. He walked boldly to the pulpit, placed his hands on each side as he had seen his pastor do on many occasions, and said, “Brethren.”
And that was it. His fear overwhelmed him. Not able to remember what he was planning to say, the only thing he could utter was, “Will you please join me in three minutes of silence to honor our beloved Savior.”
Our words of worship and witness need not be eloquent, only sincere. A genuine Christian is the best proof of genuine Christianity. Standing to honor our beloved Savior may, at times, be the best thing we can do.
PRAYER: Father, there are times when our lives speak so loudly that words are not necessary. May we realize, however, that in word or deed, we witness for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY: May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will bring much glory and praise to God. Philippians 1:7-12